Rapeseed Oil - Apex Health

Rapeseed Oil

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Omeganz™ Olive Oil is a favourite of olive oil lovers. It is great to cook with, adds distinct flavour to dressings and is delectable for dipping your chosen bread into.

Omeganz™ Olives are grown in Hawkes Bay, a region of New Zealand famous for its vineyards, fruit-filled orchards and rich agricultural land. Its mild Mediterranean climate and productive soils make it a food and wine lovers delight.

Wherever quality grapes and wine are produced, olives will also flourish. Our extra virgin olive oil is produced from quality olives pressed through a modern centrifugal press. The process is gentle and pure to ensure smoothness of texture while maintaining depth and purity of taste.

The main type of fat found in olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and these are considered a healthy dietary fat.

Nutritional Information,

A truly versatile oil with a high smoke point of 220°C, it is suited to pan-frying, deep-frying and roasting. It is ideal for salads, dressings and baking. It also provides a good base for sautéing, grilling or stir-frying meat and vegetables.