Aurum 12x / Cardiodoron (Jetlag / Shiftwork) - Apex Health

Aurum 12x / Cardiodoron (Jetlag / Shiftwork)

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Weleda Arsenicum Album is a Classical Homoeopathic Medicine.
Each 1 g (approx. 15 drops) contains: 
Children under 7 years: Take 5 drops
Children 7 to 14 years: Take 10 drops
Adults: Take 15 drops
Take 3 times daily at least 15 minutes before meals.

Jetlag: Take for up to 2 days before travelling and 7 days after travelling. Take up to every two hours while travelling (30ml is enough for 1 long, 24hr or 2 short international flights).

Shiftwork: Take 3 times daily. Or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Naturally cloudy. Shake the bottle.