Childrens Sniffle Juice - 1075 - Apex Health

Childrens Sniffle Juice - 1075

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Harker Herbals Childrens Skin Rescue calms and soothes itchy dry skin and helps repair delicate skin. Includes herbs traditionally indicated for dry irritated skin conditions to reduce inflammation and ‘cleanse the blood’ in instances such as dermatitis and eczema. Baical skullcap is included as an anti allergenic herb to reduce the immune response to allergens – both contact and ingested.

Adults take 5ml to 10ml four to six times daily.
Children: 5ml.
Baby: 1/4 teaspoon
General Advice:
Shake well 5 - 6 times up-ended to remix.
Initial Dosage: Day 1 - 1/4 dose, Day 2 - 1/2 dose, Day 3 - full dose, swill before swallowing.
Coffee/Tea: May be taken 1/2 hour before or after dose.
Preconception: (whilst attempting) 1/4 to 1/2 dosage.
Pregnancy: 1/4 to 1/2 dose daily up to 10 weeks.
Breastfeeding: 1/4 to 1/2 dose 2-3 x daily. May ease lactation.
Surgery: (all) 1/4 dosage, 2-3 x daily, recuperating. Stop tonic doses 1 week prior to surgery.
Drugs: Check drug/herb compatibility information sources prior to purchase. Take nutrient tonic 1/2 hour before drugs. Reduce tonic dose to 1/2 if on drug medication.